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Coffee Cup Holder
Coffee Cup Holder

Giá đỡ cốc cà phê

Mô hình: TT-1014

  • Tổng quan
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  • Yêu cầu
  • Những sản phẩm tương tự

Giá đỡ cốc cà phê bền

Tại sao chọn chúng tôi
Thời gian thành lập 1998
Khu vực nhà xưởng 20106
Dây chuyền sản xuất 6+
Nhân viên công ty 300+

Báng cầm an toàn: The primary function of a coffee cup holder is to provide a secure grip on the cup, preventing spills and ensuring that the beverage stays upright even during bumpy rides or sudden movements. The holder's design typically features a contoured shape or adjustable arms that fit snugly around the cup's base or sides.

Tương thích: Coffee cup holders are designed to be compatible with a wide range of cup sizes, from small espresso cups to large travel mugs. Some models offer adjustable mechanisms or multiple compartments to accommodate different sizes, ensuring that users can enjoy their favorite beverages without worrying about finding the right-sized holder.

Dễ dàng truy cập: A well-designed coffee cup holder allows for easy access to the cup, making it convenient to grab a sip without having to remove the cup from the holder. This feature is particularly useful when driving or working at a desk, where constant removal and replacement of the cup could be distracting or cumbersome.

Độ bền: Made from materials such as plastic, metal, or a combination of both, coffee cup holders are designed to withstand frequent use and last for an extended period. The materials used are often chosen for their durability and ability to withstand temperature changes, ensuring that the holder remains functional even when holding hot or cold beverages.

Vị trí thuận tiện: Coffee cup holders are typically located in convenient positions, such as in the center console of a vehicle, on the side of a desk, or integrated into the armrest of a chair. This placement ensures that the cup is always within easy reach and doesn't interfere with other activities.

Giá đỡ cốc cà phê được làm bằng chất liệu kim loại đen, toàn bộ cấu trúc của nó chắc chắn và bền. 

Môi trường nhà máy



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